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Impro Wise 3.0- nomination!
We are extremely proud to announce that our project "Impro Wise 3.0", was nominated by the Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme...

improWISE 3.0 Movie
Dear All, please find the promo movie from our main mobility within the project #improWISE3.0. Training based on equipping youth workers...

ClownPath 2.0 let's begin!
ClownPath 2.0, let's begin our clown-journey! 26 youth workers from: Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Greece, Spain, Italy...

Puppet IT- let's begin!
Tomorrow we are beginning with our second mobility within the project "The C". This time youth workers will meet up to work on the topic...

Green Shadows- let's begin!
We have began with our amazing Youth Exchange "Green Shadows"! The main aim of the YE/ project is to give an opportunity to participants...
The Master and Margarita- project's publication
Dear All, we would like to share with You the publication created during our project "The Master and Margarita- the European path of...

Play IT - Watch IT
Please check the video from live streaming from our local performance, that took place in Biały Dunajec, Poland during the first mobility...

Clown path - publication
The training course Clown - culture, learning, ownership, work, non-formal Path; took place in Murzasichle/ Poland, between 7th and 15th...

Forum of changes #2 in progress
Currently our participants are taking part in an amazing training course in Berlin/ Germany. The project Forum of changes #2 is second...

Clown path
The training course Clown - culture, learning, ownership, work, non-formal Path; gathered 24 participants from Poland, Portugal,...

"The Master and Margarita- the European path of inclusion".
"The Master and Margarita- the European path of inclusion". During the project which will take place between 12th and 21st of June 2021,...

W dniach 24-31.07, młodzież z naszej Fundacji współtworzyła wymianę młodzieżową "FirstAid4US", w Poroninie. Podczas intensywnych sesji...

Without borders without stereotypes
W dniach 23-29.07.2018 nasza Fundacja realizowała projekt "Without borders without stereotypes", finansowany z Polsko-Litewskiego...

improWISEpath film
Jest nam niezwykle miło zaprezentować film z naszego ostatniego projektu "improWISEpath", który odbył się w terminie 8-14.11.2018r....

Pracownicy naszej Fundacji wzięli udział w pierwszej części długoterminowego projektu "LABIRINT TRAINING COURSE ON OUTDOOR EDUCATION FOR...

Pracownicy naszej Fundacji wzięli udział w drugiej części długoterminowego projektu "LABIRINT TRAINING COURSE ON OUTDOOR EDUCATION FOR...

The C project
Dear All! We would like to share with You our new, ongoing project funded under the #Erasmusplus programme! The C is strategic...

First Aid 4 Youth cz. 1
The FirstAid4Youth is a long-term project related to first premedical aid. The project will equip 48 youth workers (in 4 phases) with...
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