The Sewing Theatre- Publication
Dear All, please find the publication from our project "The Sewing Theatre". The project co-funded by the European Union, within the...
The Sewing Theatre- Publication
Impro Wise 3.0- nomination!
Clownpath 2.0, publication
Clown Path 2.0 promo video
Game Earth 2.0_Game
Inclusion Ambassador_Game
The Sewing Theatre- Final Performance
Bricks For Change
The final performance ClownPath 2.0
improWISE 3.0 Movie
ClownPath 2.0
improWISE 3.0_publication
ClownPath 2.0 let's begin!
Edu Play- Educational Games
Edu Play- evaluation meeting
EduGame- Educational
improWISE 3.0 Photo galleries
improWISEpath 3.0 time to begin!
Going out there! Mid-term evaluation