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Impro Wise 3.0- nomination!
We are extremely proud to announce that our project "Impro Wise 3.0", was nominated by the Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme...

Game Earth 2.0_Game
We would like to share with You our educational game "Game Earth 2.0", created within the project "EduGame- educational games...

Inclusion Ambassador_Game
We would like to share with You our educational game "Inclusion Ambassador", created within the project "EduGame- educational games...

ClownPath 2.0 let's begin!
ClownPath 2.0, let's begin our clown-journey! 26 youth workers from: Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Greece, Spain, Italy...

EduGame- Educational
We have began our amazing journey through game development within the project #EduGame- Educational Games Development. The project is...

improWISE 3.0 Photo galleries
Please find photo galleries "improWISE 3.0", that is taking place in Murzasichle/Poland, between 4th and 12th of October 2022....

improWISEpath 3.0 time to begin!
We have began with our project "improWISEpath 3.0", that is taking place in Murzasichle/Poland, between 4th and 12th of October 2022. The...

Edu Play! Let's work!
Our mid-term evaluation within the project #EduPlay, taking place between 7th and 10th of July, in The Hague/ Netherlands. The project...

Puppet IT- let's begin!
Tomorrow we are beginning with our second mobility within the project "The C". This time youth workers will meet up to work on the topic...
The Master and Margarita- project's publication
Dear All, we would like to share with You the publication created during our project "The Master and Margarita- the European path of...

improWISEpath film
Jest nam niezwykle miło zaprezentować film z naszego ostatniego projektu "improWISEpath", który odbył się w terminie 8-14.11.2018r....

Przedstawiciele naszej Fundacji uczestniczyli w długoterminowym projekcie "inFormal". Nasi pracownicy dzięki doświadczeniu byli w stanie...

Pracownicy naszej Fundacji wzięli udział w drugiej części długoterminowego projektu "LABIRINT TRAINING COURSE ON OUTDOOR EDUCATION FOR...

Nasza Fundacja w dniach 8-14 listopada przeprowadzała mobilność pracowników młodzieżowych finansowaną z programu Erasmus+. Projekt...
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