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Impro Wise 3.0- nomination!
We are extremely proud to announce that our project "Impro Wise 3.0", was nominated by the Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme...

Clownpath 2.0, publication
Dear All, please find the attached publication from our project "Clownpath 2.0" #Erasmus+ #Clown #Improvisation

Clown Path 2.0 promo video
Dear All, please find our: Promotional video from the main activity within the project "Clown Path 2.0", implemented between 28th of...

improWISE 3.0 Photo galleries
Please find photo galleries "improWISE 3.0", that is taking place in Murzasichle/Poland, between 4th and 12th of October 2022....

improWISEpath 3.0 time to begin!
We have began with our project "improWISEpath 3.0", that is taking place in Murzasichle/Poland, between 4th and 12th of October 2022. The...

Clown path - publication
The training course Clown - culture, learning, ownership, work, non-formal Path; took place in Murzasichle/ Poland, between 7th and 15th...

improWISEpath film
Jest nam niezwykle miło zaprezentować film z naszego ostatniego projektu "improWISEpath", który odbył się w terminie 8-14.11.2018r....

The C project
Dear All! We would like to share with You our new, ongoing project funded under the #Erasmusplus programme! The C is strategic...

Nasza Fundacja w dniach 8-14 listopada przeprowadzała mobilność pracowników młodzieżowych finansowaną z programu Erasmus+. Projekt...
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